论文名称 |
第一作者 |
刊物名称 |
刊物级别 |
发表时间 |
氧化石墨烯集成腐蚀型81 ?倾斜光栅生物传感器 |
罗彬彬 |
光子学报 |
B2 |
2019年12月 |
EMI Suppression of High-Frequency Isolated Quasi Z-Source Inverter Based on Multi-Scroll Chaotic PWM Modulation |
陈艳 |
IEEE Access |
A2 |
2019年12月 |
Sliding-mode control with multipower approaching law for DC-link voltage of Z-source photovoltaic inverters |
陈艳 |
IEEE Access |
A2 |
2019年12月 |
基于氧化石墨修饰长周期光纤光栅的传感特性 |
石胜辉 |
光学精密工程 |
B2 |
2019年11月 |
Multiscale Multivariate Fuzzy Entropy-Based Technique to Distinguish Transformer Magnetizing from Fault Currents |
李春艳 |
IET Generation Transmission & Distribution |
A3 |
2019年5月 |
A MEMD-MMFE-Based Discrimination Technique to Identify Magnetizing Current of Interconnecting Transformer of Wind Farm |
李春艳 |
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems |
A2 |
2019年1月 |
基于软启动的变压器励磁涌流抑制方法 |
李春艳 |
电工技术学报 |
B1 |
2020年9月 |
基于MEMD-MMFE的双馈风电场送出变压器励磁涌流识别方法 |
李春艳 |
中国电机工程学报 |
A2 |
2019年9月 |
An Online Charging Scheme for Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks Based on a Radical Basis Function |
杨佳 |
Sensors |
A3 |
2020年1月 |
A new approach to construct virtual array with increased degrees of freedom for moving sparse arrays |
李双 |
IEEE Signal Processing letters |
A3 |
2020年5月 |
Orientation-dependent optic-fiber accelerometer based on excessively tilted fiber grating |
罗彬彬 |
Optics Letters |
A2 |
2020年1月 |
反射型极大倾角光纤光栅悬臂梁振动传感特性 |
罗彬彬 |
光学学报 |
A2 |
2020年10月 |
Dual-peak long period fiber grating coated with graphene oxide for label-free and specific assays of H5N1 virus |
罗彬彬 |
Journal of Biophotonics |
A2 |
2020年9月 |
Design and Control for Catenary Charged Light Rail Vehicle Based on Wireless Power Transfer and Hybrid Energy Storage System |
耿宇宇 |
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics |
A1 |
2020年8月 |
Nonlinear Characteristics Compensation of Inverter for Low‐Voltage Delta‐Connected Induction Motor |
郭强 |
Energies |
A3 |
2020年1月 |
The Research on Corona Aging Silicone Rubber Materials' NMR Characteristics |
毕茂强 |
IEEE Access |
A2 |
2020年7月 |
Blind quality assessment for 3D synthesized video with binocular asymmetric distortion |
彭宗举 |
IET Image Processing |
B1 |
2020年6月 |
Perceptual Video Coding Scheme Using Just Noticeable Distortion Model Based on Entropy Filter |
彭宗举 |
Entropy |
A3 |
2020年1月 |
A fast CU Size Decision Algorithm for VVC Intra Prediction based on Support Vector Machine |
陈芬 |
Multimedia Tools and Applications |
B1 |
2020年7月 |
基于多参量的变压器油中特征气体拉曼光谱分析 |
陈新岗 |
光谱学与光谱分析 |
B1 |
2020年6月 |
基于有序视觉词袋模型的图像相似性衡量 |
宋涛 |
华中科技大学学报 |
B1 |
2020年8月 |
Research on image feature matching algorithm based on feature optical flow and corner feature |
宋涛 |
Journal of Engineering |
B2 |
2020年7月 |
Optimization BM3D Algorithm Based on Pseudo-3D Transform |
宋涛 |
2019 18th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks |
C3 |
2020年1月 |
非接触式双波长激光路面气象传感方法研究 |
吴德操 |
光学学报 |
A2 |
2020年12月 |
Lightweight, Fluctuation Insensitive Multi-Parameter Fusion Link Quality Estimation for Wireless Sensor Networks |
刘伟 |
IEEE Access |
A2 |
2020年2月 |
Environmental Impacts on Hardware-Based Link Quality Estimators in Wireless Sensor Networks |
刘伟 |
Sensors |
A3 |
2020年9月 |
FaLQE: Fluctuation Adaptive Link Quality Estimator for Wireless Sensor Networks |
刘伟 |
Communications in Computer and Information Science |
B2 |
2019/11/27 |
Real-time estimation of thermal boundary of unsteady heat conduction system using PID algorithm |
万世斌 |
International Journal of Thermal Sciences |
A2 |
2020/4/1 |
氧化石墨烯包覆金纳米壳修饰长周期光栅的免疫传感器 |
石胜辉 |
光学学报 |
A2 |
2020/7/7 |
氧化石墨烯修饰腐蚀型长周期光纤光栅的禽流感病毒免疫传感器 |
石胜辉 |
光子学报 |
B2 |
2020/1/17 |
Fault protection for a SiC MOSFET based on gate voltage subjected to short circuit type II |
廖兴林 |
Microelectronics Reliability |
B1 |
2020/4/1 |
超密集网络导频复用干扰避免策略 |
黄杰 |
通信学报 |
A2 |
2020/7/25 |